The ideal time to think about custom framing your lovely photos so you can enjoy them for years to come is during the wedding season. We have the top 10 framing suggestions to help you preserve and display your precious memories, from glass options to matting and moulding. We strongly suggest you speak to a local custom picture framing expert with the below list of tips in mind…
Expert Custom Framing Tips & Tricks
1. Pick the appropriate mat
However, historically, mats were neutral in color and served as a visual break between the artwork and its surrounds. Today, many people view mats as a chance to add color to the frame design. Think huge, irrespective of color: You can concentrate on the work much more easily with more generous mat borders. Also, be sure to use mat board devoid of acid.
2. Think of larger frame molding
A frame size adjustment may be necessary if the design does not include a mat. Although a wider frame makes art appear more fascinating and significant, the overall picture size may nevertheless be smaller than it would be without a mat.
3. Use acrylic or glass that is conservation-grade
The majority of UV light damage to artwork is prevented by conservation-grade glazing. You may prolong the life of your framed art and preserve its integrity by spending a little more on protective glazing.
4. You can use multiple layers of mats in the same color
Many people automatically think that if there are several layers of matting applied, they must all be of a distinct hue. In fact, keeping all of the layers the same color helps simplify the design and maintain the focus on the art.
5. Use non-glare glass for muted visuals and clear glass for bold graphics
Clear finish (shiny) glass or acrylic helps to preserve fine details, strong colors, and crisp lines and shapes. Use non-glare glass or acrylic for gentle, subdued visuals. Glass with a soft finish that diffuses features and colors is called non-glare (also known as reflection control) glass. When the painting itself has a purposely soft focus or subdued color palette, it looks fantastic.
6. Be innovative
A surprising moulding style looks wonderful when used to frame many works of art. Some contemporary art works look fine in traditional or rustic frames, and occasionally an elaborate frame can give folk art the perfect finishing touch.
7. Use the appropriate contrast
The largest level of contrast is provided by black and white, so a black-and-white photograph looks best when the frame has a high contrast pattern. The ideal frame and mat combinations for images with softer colors and contrast are those with low contrast.
8. You might want to bottom-weight a mat
When the border beneath the artwork is bigger than the borders on top and the sides, the mat is said to be bottom-weighted. When the lower part of the artwork is darker or has greater features or patterns than the upper half, bottom-weighting makes sense. It can also be used to maintain a traditional appearance or to protect priceless artwork.
9. Group photos
A multiple opening mat gives you the ability to group pictures together when you put more than one in a frame. It is typical to employ a border around the outside of photos that is wider than the distance between them. Using varied mat opening shapes while working with a large number of pieces can offer interest.
10. Incorporate depth and variety
Added layers, such as extra-deep, 8-ply mat boards and narrow, ornamental frames called fillets that fit inside the main frame, give some designs a more dynamic and memorable quality.