We Need More Women in STEM Jobs: 3 Reasons Why

In the business sector, gender equality remains a big problem, as women continue to be underrepresented in the corporate ecosystem. Despite a plethora of evidence indicating that organizations with more women in the C-suite are more lucrative, most companies still have a gender gap. Diversity and inclusion cannot be achieved with a one-time effort; rather, they are causes that require ongoing development, maintenance, and cultivation.

Information technology is one of the fastest-growing businesses in the United States, and technological innovation will be critical in practically every sector of the economy. According to Accenture research, there are more computer science jobs than graduates available to fill them, and the number of women in the computing workforce in the United States will decline in the next ten years unless we take immediate action. The underrepresentation of women in technology is not a new topic, and while progress has been made, it is advancing at a glacial rate, and if not addressed, this issue will become a major economic challenge for the United States.

While the number of women in the work force in the United States has increased to 46%, it is still much lower in the technology sector. The absence of female mentors, gender disparity in STEM employment, and a lack of hands-on experience with STEM subjects are some of the reasons why the tech world is still a man’s world.

Diversified Companies Make More Money

High-gender-diversity companies outperform their peers in terms of returns, and they have outperformed less diverse companies on average over the last five years. Companies that not only hire but also retain more women naturally have a competitive advantage, which benefits all stakeholders.

Men & Women Think Differently

Interacting with a varied team forces people to prepare better and anticipate different points of view. Individuals anticipate differences in viewpoint and perspective when women are present, and they assume they will have to work harder to reach a consensus. That kind of pressure is beneficial to all of us.

Men and women have various perspectives on things and bring different perspectives to the table. This allows for improved issue resolution, which can improve business unit performance. Consider the purchasing power you’ll gain by bringing together a diverse group of men and women from varied backgrounds and nationalities. Even better, once your company develops a reputation for having a more diverse workforce, you’ll have a tremendous recruiting weapon on your hands.

Young Women Need Role Models

By recognizing female tech leaders, it is hoped that more girls would be inspired to pursue their interests and professions in technology, thereby diversifying the recruiting pool. We must guarantee that young girls have strong role models in the form of other successful women in STEM fields, as well as that women have a seat at the table to engage men in discussions about gender equality.

Being a woman in IT isn’t always easy, and being the only woman in the boardroom can put you under a lot of stress. Accountability motivates people to take action, and we need governmental policies to ensure that employers are following the rules.

Finally, we need more women eager to take on leadership roles, men willing to take on additional domestic responsibilities, and employers willing to embrace a more flexible workplace. We live in a deeply connected and global society, and firms and institutions with more diversity will perform better. However, experience has shown us that time will not eliminate the existing gender leadership gap; only bold action will, and we must all buy in.